Some pics from our Sweden trip last October - a bit of nostalgia, playing with the old Lulea Uni band (Luhrane) at the Stork festival in Uppsala, getting engaged, and visiting Stockholm, Lulea, Malmö and a few hours in Copenhagen.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Hej hej,
Some pics from our Sweden trip last October - a bit of nostalgia, playing with the old Lulea Uni band (Luhrane) at the Stork festival in Uppsala, getting engaged, and visiting Stockholm, Lulea, Malmö and a few hours in Copenhagen.
Luhrane, and the all-important purple bags. Not recycling, but bags from 'Bolaget', the Systembolaget state-run monopoly that sells all the liquor in the country.
Capt'n Albin and some members of Snösvänget, our sister band down from Umea.
The view from our Stockholm boat hotel room
Nostalgia-tripping with Swedish pizza, with plenty of kebab-like sauce on the top, from Old Brodies.

Some pics from our Sweden trip last October - a bit of nostalgia, playing with the old Lulea Uni band (Luhrane) at the Stork festival in Uppsala, getting engaged, and visiting Stockholm, Lulea, Malmö and a few hours in Copenhagen.