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Broom broom!
A Bugatti Veyron on a test spin around the factory in Molsheim - which we pass on our way to Christina's parents. It didn't manage to hit 407 km/h but spritned pretty damn quickly away from us in our Ford Fiesta.
The Dreilandereckbrucke - the bridge at the 3 country border, crossing from Germany to France, right at the edge of Switzerland. The yellow building is the Rheincenter shopping center, which has separate lanes in the carpark leading to the Swiss or German exits!
So, more pics from 2010, and a weekend ski trip to Sion, capital of Wallis /Valais near Verbier. Ben and Alex in foreground. 
The dammned mountains block the view from Pida's balcony in Sion!
Chateu de Chillon, Montreux
Memorial to Miles Davis
A long weekend was also spent in Hamburg, visiting a family friend of Christina's. And yes, we dead eat an authentic Hamburger (from a US chain). And Hamburgers did kind of originate from Hamburg, as Wikipedia tells me the sailors and settlers from Hamburg (a port city) brought Frikadellen from Germany and the Yanks called it steak "Hamburger" style.
The famous Michael Church
Switzerland, as seen in the largest model train museum in Europe
Hej hej,
Some pics from our Sweden trip last October - a bit of nostalgia, playing with the old Lulea Uni band (Luhrane) at the Stork festival in Uppsala, getting engaged, and visiting Stockholm, Lulea, Malmö and a few hours in Copenhagen.
Luhrane, and the all-important purple bags. Not recycling, but bags from 'Bolaget', the Systembolaget state-run monopoly that sells all the liquor in the country.
Capt'n Albin and some members of Snösvänget, our sister band down from Umea.
Typical band shenanigans in concert in Uppsala
The view from our Stockholm boat hotel room
Nostalgia-tripping with Swedish pizza, with plenty of kebab-like sauce on the top, from Old Brodies. 
The Twisting Torso in Malmö
Anders & Linda
Hanna & Christian