Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pierre's Farewells


Just a quick update from "sunny" old England. What's been happening, nothing too unusual. The brass band I joined keeps my blowing my own horn, work is continuing to have its ups and downs, and I've managed to do a bit of touristy stuff recently too.

But here is just a few pics from 3 consecutive nights of farewell parties that Pierre had when leaving the UK. The first ended up being a goulash at my house (to help use up some smoked paprika he bought off a French market vendor in Edinburough), and to help finish his various bottles of single malt whiskies and other spirits. We did not succeed, but we gave it a good try!

Johnny on Guitar, playing something soothing and Pierre couldn't resist the call of the slumber...

Housemate Jorge (pronounced Hor-hey), Hirad, hand Phavel, hAmy and hAnna.

The pitiful effort - only 2 bottles to go into the recycling bin and one of them really doesn't count!

The remainder!

Ilias and Nel, a Russian couchsurfer who here for a conference, and found Lubor (my housemate and a would-be couchsurfer) on the internet and was sleeping on our couch.

Pavel and Amy

Three's a crowd

Post dinner at the Amber Rooms

Apres Work Drinks at the Harvester

Fellow Cell Team members the Deltaforce (Phil), Charissa and her next generation cell teamer Katy, and Hirad.