Actually much of my day and a half in Geneva was like that: missed opportunites, and a struggle to find the liveliest parts of town. I arrived 5pm Sat, too late to do much touristy stuff. So I thought I would walk along the edge of the lake and find a good bar/restaurant to sit at and watch the people go past, but there wasn't really one. So I went for a meandering walk around the old town, but didn't really find any happening hotspots there either. So I went back to a small stretch of the lake that had a few bars to sit in the sun and have a beer, but at either end of the series of bars was construction sites so it wasn't really great. Decided to go back and eat at the one square in the old town that had some life, which I did, before going to check out the classical concert that was on in the Fanzone where the football matches were being shown. Got there for the last 2 minutes of the concert.
The next day was much the same. Deciding to do the Red Cross Museum and UN after a sleep in, with bad timing it meant I just finished with the Red Croissant when the UN closed for lunch. Along the Avenue de la Paix there wasn't much gastronomy on offer and what was in the RC cafe wasn't appealing, so I took the time to meditate away my slowly growing hunger under a tree in a nice park and wait for the UN tour to start. The tour was cool, finished at 3, back to town for lunch and... not much is open. So I ended up having Chinese food (just OK) while listening to latin jazz (overhearing a rehearsal in a building somewhere nearby). A true Swiss experience.
Continuing on, I then tried to find where a where a jazz festival was being held, but the information I had led me to the jazz organisation's building, but no music. By this time it was almost 5, and now too late for a cruise on Lake Geneva. A bit more information from the hotel, and walking in the opposite direction I find the jazz in a park! Score! I plan to spend a couple of hours there before going off to the fanzone to see a bit of the football. Decide on dinner at an African stall (just OK) thinking at the fanzone it willbe crappy and overpriced. Eventually go off to the football, arrive sober and alone at a drunken party where there is 20 mins to go of the match. I buy a mass-pre-produced caiparinha (not even OK), and realise the food choices were much better here and reasonably priced. Surrounded by Spanish fans (does anyone in Switz support the Germans?) and struggle to get into the spirit of it all. Once the DJ starts playing all your non-favourite dance tracks, it was back to the hotel...

Oh yeah, aside from not eating chocolate in Switzerland, I also avoided buying a watch there. BecauseI bought one at the airport in UK before even setting foot in the country of timepieces. I'm definitely doing something wrong!
This seems to form a pattern recently. What I didn't write in my previous post about Vienna, is that I had a disastrous day travelling there too: starting with locking myself out of my house 40mins before I had to leave, then realising the internet bus timetable was wrong thus necessitating a rushed taxi to the train, where I got off at Luton station without knowing that the airport was another train and shuttle bus away! I wasn't quite the last passenger to board, but I got off in the heat of Vienna in summer, almost lost my wallet at an ice-cream cafe, didn't buy weissbeer when I thought I did, ordered the wrong meal for dinner and then got the phonecall from Christina saying she could be 4-10 hours delayed depending on whether the bus would wait for her delayed flight... I'm getting the feeling something is trying to keep me from leaving the house.

And oh yeah, the conference was interesting too. Interesting sometimes for the technical work presented, sometimes for the rubbish that was presented. My favourite presentation was from a national lab delegate working for a company who mentioned a 99% figure (I think for fuel utlisation or somesuch), and then had a 2nd slide with one massive pie chart divided into 99 and 1%, to show us all what 99% looked like!! Oh boy. The world is doomed...