Thursday, February 7, 2008

...but instead I just might save the world.

I used to be living in Luleå, now living it large in Loughborough, trying to save the world one green and highly efficient watt at a time! Optimistic, Hell Yeah!

Welcome to my new blog. I just wish I knew exactly what to do with it. To most of you aussies life in Loughboroughland will be far less exotic than Luleå, but nevertheless I will try to keep it interesting. England isn't just a colder, greyer, version of home; they do things very differently here; ugg boots are worn out in public, without shame, for example!

Anyhow, I arrived a month ago, to work for Rolls Royce Fuel Cells Systems,
  • yes, that's those "hydrogen fuel cell thingys"
  • no, they are not for use in luxury cars. Not even for ordinary cars, or trucks. Possibly for submarines though.
And just to be clear - the car maker is now split off and owned by BMW, and is totally separate from the engineering goliath that is the No. 2 airplane engine maker in the world (after GE), and which also makes gas turbines for stationary power generation and naval propulsion systems. That's these guys:

In brief, since arriving I have:
  • - got myself sorted in my share house with 5 housemates, soon to be 6
  • - wished I had brought my copy of "He Died with a Falafel In His Hand" with me instead of selling it on eBay. Might've needed it need to revise a bit.
  • - got through some admin stuff easier than expected - beauty of being in the country
  • - drank warm fosters (I know, I know.., but it wasn't mine though)
  • - bought a car
  • - had a visit from Christina, and a weekend in London together is happening from tomorrow
  • - been pelted with the crappy English weather
  • - been kept awake by the howling of the wind
  • - gotten to work by about 8:15 every day, earlier than I was getting up for most of my adult life
  • - made a guess that put at risk $100,000 aud of product
  • and perhaps most suprisingly, already had an international grocery queuing incident!
There is kinda lots to tell, but between company confidential information and the time I have to tell it while organising myself, it could come out in dribs and drabs, but checking back every now and then for exciting news from "mother country". And you never know, you might just learn a bit about the car company anyway.

Ciao for now.